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Dedication to Sabrina (for funeral)

After a decade of friendship and mentoring I believe that Second Timothy explains the way in which I will forever think of mi hija, Sabrina,

“Timothy 2:2 …And the things you have heard me say in the presence of many witnesses entrust to reliable people who will also be qualified to teach others.”

As a student, Sabrina was ideal. She required very little external motivation from me as a teacher, she paid attention, was always willing to help her peers, and she had the personality that made me happy to come to my job. This ability to find strength within herself and to strive for greatness continued on as I accompanied her battling a disease that leaves the normal person weak and angry. We leaned upon each other and taught each other not to question God or the path that we were walking. As adults we interchanged roles as teacher and student, teaching and learning about our own faith and how disease and suffering intermingle together.

Sabrina is now in the presence of many more witnesses and reliable people who now are teaching the ways and welcoming her to eternal bliss. Her pain is gone. Though we may hurt because she is now with God, we must remember, He makes no mistakes and one day, once again we will all be together, in one classroom. Sabrina, you were so loved, as a student, as a friend, as MY TEACHER through disease, and mostly as a reliable soul who gave just as much love as she received. Te amo mi Hija, ADIOS. (Adios means “with/to God” in Spanish.”)

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